Ahmet Görkem Er on Informatics in the Pandemic Era

Ahmet Görkem Er will give a seminar on “Informatics in the Pandemic Era” on 26 April at 12:45. The abstract of the talk and a short bio is shared below.

Ahmet Gorkem Er is a clinical fellow in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology at Hacettepe University and a Ph.D. student in Medical Informatics at METU. He holds an M.D. degree from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine and took his internal medicine residency training from Hacettepe University. He believes in interdisciplinary academic research and mainly focuses on implementing health informatics approaches into the medical field.

COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact all aspects of our lives. An interdisciplinary approach where clinicians and informaticians work together is crucial to control the pandemic. From diagnosis to treatment to protective measures, informatics is central to COVID-19 research and for the delivery of healthcare to the patients. Ahmet Görkem Er will highlight the importance of health informatics by giving examples in the pandemic era.