Dr. Ahmet Rifaioglu will give a seminar on “Analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data” on 13 December at 13:40. The abstract of the talk and a short bio is shared below.
Dr. Rifaioglu received his Ph.D. from the METU Computer Engineering department in 2020. In his Ph.D., he mainly worked on developing deep learning methods for drug discovery in the context of a project called "CROssBAR: comprehensive resource of biomedical relations with knowledge graph representations". He spent one year of his Ph.D. at EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute as a pre-doctoral visiting researcher in the context of the CROssBAR project. After working as an assistant professor at Iskenderun Technical University for a short time, he joined Heidelberg University as a post-doctoral researcher. His research now focuses on developing computational methods for single-cell genomics in cancer.
With the advance of single-cell RNA sequencing technologies, we can now get whole transcriptome information for a large number of cells. These technologies enabled us to identify cell types, understand cell-cell communication and their microenvironment in general. Computational methods are required to understand and process the high-throughput single-cell transcriptomics data. In this presentation, I will talk about the standard practices and challenges in the computational analysis of single-cell RNA sequence datasets.